A couple of years ago, I believed I’d retired from being The Plot Whisperer. I even performed a candle-lighted ceremony to cross over from a life of teaching, writing, and speaking about plot to step into the unknown. As the old saying goes: Never say never.But this is more than simply about Martha.
A year ago, during one of the darkest times of my life, an angel reached out to me in hopes of resurrecting the plot whisperer. Her vision was to create an umbrella website to house all the work I’ve done for writers over the past thirty years or so. She mentioned my legacy. I was intrigued and flattered.
Let Me Introduce You
Alexis Roark is her name, and she brought her vision to life. Over the past year, she created a gorgeous — The Plot Whisperer — website and hub for all my workshops, blog posts, support — archived and new. In the process she provided me with a much needed connection and the chance to consider the future even as my heart was stuck in the past.
Alexis will run things. She plans for an extensive social media campaign with outreach to other writers and teachers of plot. I’ll pop in once in awhile to share new ideas about plot and writing, motivation and inspiration.
Above all, I am eternally grateful to Alexis for offering me this incredible opportunity. Just as I am grateful for all the writers striving to create works that please readers.
You’re Invited
Needless to say, I am overjoyed. I’m also still in a bit of shock as I announce the new home for all things related to plot and writing.
Please visit The Plot Whisperer. We hope you enjoy engaging with the new website as much as we’ve enjoyed bringing it to life.
I’m excited to be back and can’t wait to share our latest updates with you.
More About Martha Alderson
Born in San Francisco, I am a 5th generation Californian. Now I live at an enchanted beach along the central coast of California where you’re apt to find me in the water or walking along the beach in search of sea treasures and mermaids jewels. When not at the beach, I’m writing women’s fiction and exploring what it means to leave a lasting legacy.
Living a creative life is like riding a wave.
You’re best served having
a respect for the sea
an understanding of the waves,
spiritual strength,
and the emotional will to
throw yourself into the great unknown and
surrender to the universal pull…
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